Air Duct Cleaning
Air quality is important…Put your mind at ease and be sure to have your air duct system inspected regularly.
Ventilation systems are usually the key reason for reduced quality of indoor air; therefore examining the ductwork should be the first order of business. A majority of the time, this system has been operating for quite awhile without any consideration. As a result, dirty ducts can distribute odorous vapors, contaminates (i.e. mold) and irritating dust particles throughout your home or place of business.
However, duct cleaning may not be the best solution to air quality. Clogged ducts aren’t always the issue. Sometimes it could just be that you need to change your air filter or furnace filter. So you don’t waste your money on unnecessary services, AAA Dry Foam will inspect your ductwork and advise you as to what is the best way to get rid of your indoor air quality concerns.
Having your air ducts checked regularly will help to increase: the life of the equipment, its overall performance and efficiency and the amount of money you will save. Typically, ducts should be checked every 3 to 5 years. However, some allergy sufferers opt for annual cleanings to rid pollen growth and dust mites throughout their homes or businesses.
Air Duct Cleaning Tips: When should you consider cleaning your air ducts?
- Prior to moving into a new/used home because you never know when the last time the ductwork was serviced.
- After home renovations/remodeling to get rid of dust and wood particles.
- To eliminate harsh smoking odors.
- To help with pets that shed heavily.
- To eliminate allergens.